Çerez Örnek

Inter-Library Lending Service (ILL)

For Ege University academic staff, publications that are not in our library can be borrowed from other institutions in Turkey and abroad within the "Interlibrary Loan" rules or photocopies are provided.

In order to make an Interlibrary Loan request, the request form must be filled.
In order to see which institution the book you are looking for is in, you must go to http://www.toplukatalog.gov.tr/ and search and write in the relevant field in the request form in which institution the book you are looking for is.
The shipping service fee required to deliver the book to the user and return it to his/her own institution is paid by the user.
If there is no other user request, the borrowed publications can be extended 1 time. Interlibrary loan staff must be notified of the extension request.

Ege Üniversitesi